Lab 1- Focus on Web Design
Lee Xhi Qing AI160225 Wong Xiao Feng AI160247 a. What is the purpose of the site? The main purpose of “Youtube” is to allow people from all over the world to upload and share video clips of different content. This is the place which provides a forum for a people to connect, inform and inspire others worldwide. Basically, “YouTube” is a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers. b. Who is the intended audience? People who are literate. People who have access to internet (via personal computer or smartphone). People who have some very basic education. Mostly targeting youth, however even elders are preferred. People who want to use this for leisure. People and organizations who want a platform for social media marketing. In simple worlds, it’s everyone! c. Do you think that the site reaches its intended audience ? Why or why not? Yes, YouTube had reaches its intended audience. According to com...